次元狗 - 动漫资源下载

《功夫熊猫 神龙骑士》阿里云下载

TV动画, 动画 long龙 -
中文名: 功夫熊猫 神龙骑士 话数: 11 放送开始: 2022年7月14日 在线播放平台: Netflix

When a mysterious pair of weasels set their sights on a collection of four powerful weapons, Po must leave his home to embark on a globe-trotting quest for redemption and justice that finds him partnered up with a no-nonsense English knight named Wandering Blade. Together, these two mismatched warriors set out on an epic adventure to find the magical weapons first and save the world from destruction and they may even learn a thing or two from each other along the way.

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